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Costa Rica History � A Quick Brief...
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica History – A Quick Brief...

Costa Rica has never been a heavy population area. In fact it is missing many of the characteristics of more advanced civilizations from Mesoamerican and the Andes. During Columbus's last voyage he visited Costa Rica which at the time probably had less than 20,000 natives living in its borders. These natives lived in several tribes each completely independent of each other and each having their own set of customs and cultures. GoldenEyelashPitviper

When the Spanish came into colonize they met with swamps, disease and didn't find a warm welcome from the natives, this caused Costa Rica to be overlooked by the Spanish government for nearly half a century before they finally sent in Juan Vasquez De Coronado as Governor. The colony managed to survive despite the harsh conditions and when Central America gained it's independence from Spain it sparked a short civil war leaving Costa Rica in the hands of the Central American confederation rather than Spanish hands.

Juan Mora Fernandez became the first head of state leading to the expansion of public education, and the establishment of coffee as a major crop. This created the coffee barons who then over threw the Costa Rican leader Jose Maria Castro. Juan Rafael Mora his replacement made a significant place for himself in history when he made sure that Costa Rica did not become a slave state annexed into the United states by William Walker.

Soon after General Guardia took over and instituted such things as mandatory primary education, control of military excess and taxing coffee profit in order to finance needed public projects and the railroad. The years after his rule gave rise to Costa Rica's entrance into democracy. honduras

In 1940 another important era began with the election of Calderin His polices brought about land reform, minimum wage and progressive taxes. However when he failed to leave office it caused a Civil war. It was ended by Jose Ferrer who gained the support of both Guatemala and Cuba . He then banned the Communist party, gave full rights of citizen ship to blacks and women the right to vote along with establishing a term limit for leaders, nationalized banks and insurance and even abolished the military. Because of this Costa Rica history has gained the distinguished reputation of being a peaceful and stable area in a region normally driving by unrest and civil war. Finally in 1986 Oscar Sanchez became president and in 1987 through his work received the agreement of all Central American presidents in a peace plan.

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Carlos A. Villalobos

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