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Costa Rica Hostels
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Hostels - If you are a little tight on the budget and yet looking to tour this glorious country of Costa Rica there is not a better way than fitting into local hostels. Presumably you would not have a problem sharing rooms or sleeping on bunks, this will not be heavy on your pocket too. Often college students take to this form of traveling and go a little low on the comfort regime but obviously enjoy traveling around this beautiful country.ArenalBackpackersResort

A consideration to make with the preference of hostels over other forms of accommodations would be the fact these are not the most private of options you'll have. Thus families with children or couples looking for that extra bit of comfort cannot resort to hostelling as they would perhaps not find it as exciting as single travelers or students who often are used to hitchhiking and motel stays and thus would not mind the adventure part of it and also would land up knowing more people.

Arrangements are a little different here in Costa Rica, here you might just find mixed gender rooms as opposed to separate blocks assigned to men and women. Check on the system at offer in the hostel if you have problems with staying with people of the opposite sex in the same room.

You could either opt for a room with an attached bathroom and shower to share with your roommates or could simply find out if the bathroom and shower are just common facilities available to every one on the same floor or located in the hallway for usage by all boarders. Thus before checking in find out which option is on offer and choose accordingly.

During summer it is rush hour for tourists in Costa Rica so please make reservations before coming down even if you are going to board in one of the informal hostels. So if you are not prepared to spend the night out on the streets please make prior bookings, as it is not like earlier when you could just drop in and find a bunk. Nowadays with Costa Rica attracting a lot of tourist attraction and more and more people going the hostelling way to travel around the country, you might just be stranded without a room if you have not made reservations. Some of the best of available hostels are:
1.) Alajuela hostels
2.) Cahuita hostels
3.)Guanacaste hostels
4.)Heredia hostels
5.)Jaco Beach hostels
6.) La Fortuna hostels.

The cost concessions while you are housing in a hostel are the main advantages of it. An average hotel room can charge you up to $100 to $150 per night, but in case of nights spent in hostels you never have to dish out more than $25 to $30 per night or even less in most cases. Thus the hostels of Costa Rica are gaining such popularity.

The hostel staff is mostly local to the respective cities. Thus they have an intense knowledge of everything around it, they could tell you where to go and where you would only be wasting time and money. On the other hand the hotel staff is mostly exported from the suburbs and do not possess best information about the place where the hotels are situated. Thus the staffs in hostels are extremely friendly and accommodating and suit the travelers staying at the hostels.

Also a treasure house on information regarding the cheapest joints and hangouts in the city, your access to the cheapest eateries or pubs are often fetched in such hostels. Additionally they also provide discount coupons for the local attractions and restaurants around the place. tabacon_10

If you are here to travel, seek out the best places of visit and the greatest adventures and cut down on all other expenses in course of a trip to Costa Rica then lodge in a hostel. It is going to be a stay sans all the luxuries you had imagined and waited for or hoped to find but it goes easy on your pocket. Beyond everything you have the perfect trip to this paradise of a country. What could be more satisfying, so spend more on your travel and less on accommodation and food - Costa Rica hostels.

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Carlos A. Villalobos

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