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Costa Rica Tourism
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica tourism - Costa Rica is among the top options for anyone seeking an ecotourism experience. Though the land area of Costa Rica is quite small, only 19,730 square miles, the small nation is crammed with things to see and so. semanasanta

One of the most interesting and attractive aspects of Costa Rica is that within its small confines it has an amazing diversity of life with several small eco-systems and microclimates providing a wide atmospheric and outdoor options. There are the famous beaches, dense jungles, rain forests, and rich wild life. In some forests there is so much moisture in the air that they appear perpetually foggy and are referred to as "cloud forests ". There is also one forest with cable car facilities that allows visitors to view the plant and animal life from a height. You may, if you are so inclined, go for a more sporting vine swinging experience where you can swing from one tree to next through a system of vines.

Other forests in Costa Rica are quite barren, showing their volcanic origins, while yet others are entirely dry and arid. It takes only about ½ hour of travel in Costa Rica to go from one climate zone to the next. There are even some canal systems in Costa Rica that are similar to the ones in the Amazon and these offer excellent white water rafting opportunities.

Costa Rica is a country of volcanoes though most of them are long since dormant. These volcanoes are open as tourist attractions. Some volcanoes have turquoise lakes where water has filled the crater at the top of the volcano. Among the active volcanoes the most famous one is Arenal where you can actually see eruptions taking place. You are situated in a close by facility to ensure your safety. This place also has hot springs that are heated by the mountain.

Besides the world famous collection of bird species there is plenty of land life in Costa Rica that includes monkeys, sloths, jaguars, bats, and reptiles. You can go on nature tours to see these species. Some beaches of Costa Rica are also home to sea turtles that nest here at specific times of the year. gran_hotel_costa_rica_1

In addition to air and land there is the marine life of Costa Rica that makes it imperative to go scuba diving. The best part is that Costa Rica is far different from other Caribbean coasts. Due to the higher quantity of plankton the Costa Rican coast attracts larger number of marine species than are typically found in the rest of the Caribbean.

Costa Rica tourism and Costa Rica is a place that requires visitors to come back because there is simply too much to take in during one trip.

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Costa Rica Tourism
by Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica tourism - Costa Rica is among the top options for anyone seeking an ecotourism experience. Though the land area of Costa Rica is quite small, only 19,730 square miles, the small nation is crammed with things to see and so. %IMAGE_ALIGN_RIG
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