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Costa Rica Internet Service
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Internet Service - In Costa Rica acquiring an Internet connection requires you to apply to Grupo ICE and their subsidiary RACSA (or Radiografica Costarricense S.A.). These offer a number of Internet connection packages, some of these maybe described below, phone

Dial-up Access (Servicio 900)

If you have a telephone connection and a built in modem in your computer you can easily get access to the Internet by means of the Dial-up service. Simply call 900-3654632 (900- EN LINEA) from your computer. Once the line is established the conditions for using this service will appear on your screen, accept the terms and conditions, press F7 and start surfing the net just like that! This service will not require you to sign cumbersome contracts or pay any deposit money, in this facility you simply pay for every minute you spend on the net. The facility charges are as low as 7 Colones/minute. Of course the telephone charges are extra.


RACSA offers a variety of prepaid cards for accessing the net. These are,
1.The 5 hours access cards: Price – 1,800 Colones, Validity- 60 days
2.The 10 hours access cards: Price – 3,550 Colones, Validity – 90 days
3.The 15 hours access cards: Price – 5,300 Colones, Validity – 120 days

Each card comes with a card number and a login code, which help you log into the net as 'you' and thereby keep a tab on how much time you are spending online. The prepaid Internet access cards are available at the RACSA central office in San Jose. Apart from the office however they can also be purchased from Banco Nacional in San José, IFSA-Kodak stores, Multiservicios Facsímil in Ciudad Colón, Primercados, Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz, Fischel Pharmacies and Catedral Pharmacies etc.

Vía Telefónica

Accessing the Internet Via the Telephone requires you to apply to the RACSA or other authorized agents (a list of the relevant authorized agents is available on the RACSA website). This facility is available only to permanent residents. Which means that the owner of the telephone connection has to necessarily be a permanent resident of the country. In case you aren't a permanent resident yet get someone who owns a telephone line to authorize you (this maybe done by means of a letter attested by an attorney).

In case you are a permanent resident you will need your I.D card, residence card (or passport) and your telephone bill (as an indicator of the telephone line you are going to use) while obtaining your connection.

The owner of the telephone line will also have to make a security deposit and sign a contract to ensure the activation of the connection.

How to pay for the connection:

In Costa Rica you may pay for your Dial- Up bills in 3 different ways,
a.Pay online - Banco de Costa Rica, Banco Nacional and Banco Promerica all offer this facility.
b.Pay through a phone call – owners of a Visa card may pay by calling 800-800-2825
c.Make a check payment – draw out the check in favor of the Central offices of RACSA


Your monthly ADSL fee will be summed up with your regular telephone bill. Though stated in US Dollars the ADSL charges maybe paid in the local Colones as well.

Internet Cafes

Like everywhere else in the world Internet cafes are quickly mushrooming up all over Costa Rica. However Internet connection isn't limited to just the Internet Cafes alone; post offices, the central office of RACSA (in San Jose) and the ICE office also allow Internet access to the common public.

Internet rates tend to vary from café to café but generally hover around US$ 1/hour. However most connections tend to be infuriatingly slow. This has started to change to DSL recently.

A number of hotels, Apartotels, hostels etc. are also offering Internet connection nowadays. roatan_view

When visiting cafes do remember to take special care of your belongings. Pickpockets frequent these places regularly and are especially on the lookout for swiping tourists.

Costa Rica internet service has steadily been improving. Especially in the major centers you will find great service, just a bit pricier then you will find in North America.

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